
The summary of each subject contains the following components:


The summaries are presented in point format with key concepts and words highlighted in red to draw attention. Our summaries accurately reflect the content contained in the source, but has been rewritten to be understood more easily. Various tips and additional explanations have been added to the summaries to make the content easy to understand and learn. This method is ideal for left-brain thinkers that prefer content to be arranged logically in point format.

Grade 7 Sample

Brain Maps

Under Constuction

Brain maps contain the same facts and content that is presented in summaries. It is however presented in a different, shorter format. This is ideal for children that have difficulty reading, or for students that need a quick overview of the work before a test or exam. This method is also ideal for right-brain thinkers that prefer content filled with colour and images.

Grade 7 Sample


Under Constuction

Brain maps accompanied by music helps the brain focus and stimulates memory retention. This is especially useful for children that have a visual and auditory learning style. Studies have also proven that memory retention is improved when more senses are used while studying the work.

Grade 7 Sample


Each unit has its own test that may be used by parents to determine if their child knows and understands the work. A memorandum of the test is also included to assist parents.

Grade 7 Sample